Ōku whakaaro What I think

Tagged with:

  • Physical activity
  • Mental health
  • Movement concepts and motor skills
  • Hauora
  • Relationships With Other People
  • Healthy Communities and Environments
  • Years 1–4
  • Years 5–8
  • Years 9–10
  • Years 11–13

Expressing thoughts and feelings about participating in te ao kori activities.

Exploring te ao kori — Activity collections

This resource is part of a series within the Exploring te ao kori activity collections called Te āta whakaaroaro i te ao kori | Reflecting on te ao kori.

Read background information View Te āta whakaaroaro i te ao kori | Reflecting on te ao kori activities View te ao kori collections
A thoughtful girl.

Intended outcomes

Ākonga express their ideas and feelings effectively when describing participation in te ao kori activities.

Suggested approach

Show ākonga a picture of te whare tapawhā (see page 31 of health and physical education in The New Zealand Curriculum) and explain how the four walls are all important for keeping the building strong.

Talk about hauora and the importance of the four aspects for the wellbeing of each person.

Discuss taha tinana (physical wellbeing) and relate it to the practical involvement in te ao kori activities that ākonga have completed so far.

Talk about taha hinengaro (mental and emotional wellbeing) and explain what it represents and ask ākonga to carefully think about and use 'I' statements to identify:

  • which activities they enjoyed and why
  • what they learnt through participating in the activity
  • a skill or activity they would like to develop further.

Then introduce the aspect of taha whānau (social wellbeing) and discuss with ākonga how the way they act with one another affects the way they think about, learn, and perform activities. Ākonga then can identify:

  • what they liked about working in groups
  • a skill that would help them work better with others in groups.

Complete the discussion by talking about taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing) and ask ākonga to complete the following statement:

  • The thing I liked most about ... (for example, mahi whai) was/is ....