Strand C: Relationships With Other People

This strand focuses on ākonga and their relationships with other people.

A young girl and a young boy sitting at their desk and looking at each other.

About Strand C: Relationships With Other People

Using a variety of contexts, ākonga examine effective relationships in classrooms, schools, whānau, and the wider community. They consider their own influence on the wellbeing of others and how the attitudes, values, actions, and needs of other people influence them in return.

Ākonga also develop knowledge and interpersonal skills enabling them to interact sensitively with other people.

They learn to evaluate the social and cultural factors that lead to stereotyping and the impact of discrimination on individuals and society.

This strand has three achievement aims:

  • Relationships
    Come to understand the nature of relationships.
  • Identity, sensitivity, and respect
    Increase their understanding of personal identity and develop sensitivity to, and respect for, other people.
  • Interpersonal skills
    Use interpersonal skills effectively to enhance relationships.