Strand A: Personal Health and Physical Development

This strand focuses on personal health and physical development, including personal identity and self-worth.

Children running down a path.

About Strand A: Personal Health and Physical Development

Ākonga develop knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes to meet their health and physical activity needs, for now and in the future.

Ākonga learn about influences on their wellbeing and develop self-management skills that enhance their health. They’ll take increasing responsibility for the changing patterns of their life, work, relaxation, and recreation.

This strand has four achievement aims:

  • Personal growth and development
    Gain understandings and skills to manage and adjust to the processes of growth and maturation.
  • Regular physical activity
    Understand and appreciate, as a result of experience, the contribution of physical activity to personal wellbeing.
  • Safety management
    Meet and manage challenges and risks in positive, health-enhancing ways.
  • Personal identity
    Analyse attitudes and values and take actions that contribute to personal identity and self-worth.